10 Low Investment Business Ideas in India under 10K with High Profits

10 Low Investment Business Ideas in India under 10K with High Profits



Starting a business doesn't always require a substantial capital investment. In India, there are numerous low-cost business opportunities that entrepreneurs can explore without breaking the bank. This article will delve into ten low investment business ideas under 10,000 INR that have the potential for high profits, providing aspiring business owners with affordable and lucrative options.

1. Freelance Services:

Investment: Minimal

With skills in writing, graphic design, programming, or digital marketing, individuals can offer freelance services online. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr allow freelancers to showcase their skills and connect with clients globally. The initial investment involves setting up a professional profile and may include nominal fees for platform usage.

2. Dropshipping Business:

Investment: 5,000 - 10,000 INR

Dropshipping involves selling products without holding inventory. Entrepreneurs can create an online store and collaborate with suppliers who handle inventory and shipping. The initial investment covers website development, marketing, and possible subscription fees for e-commerce platforms.

3. Social Media Management:

Investment: Minimal

With the increasing importance of social media, businesses seek professionals to manage their online presence. Entrepreneurs with social media expertise can offer management services. The investment includes building an online portfolio and marketing to attract clients.

4. Tuition or Coaching Classes:

Investment: Varies

Starting tuition or coaching classes in a specific subject or skill can be a profitable venture. Investment may involve creating study materials, renting a small space, and marketing. This idea leverages knowledge and expertise in a particular field.

5. Mobile Repairing Business:

Investment: 8,000 - 10,000 INR

With the widespread use of mobile phones, a mobile repairing business can be lucrative. Entrepreneurs can invest in basic repair tools and attend short courses to enhance their skills. Marketing through local channels can attract customers.

6. Content Writing Services:

Investment: Minimal

Content writing is in high demand for websites, blogs, and marketing materials. Entrepreneurs with strong writing skills can offer content writing services. The investment involves creating a portfolio and marketing to potential clients.

7. Event Photography:

Investment: 7,000 - 10,000 INR

For individuals with photography skills, event photography can be a profitable venture. Investment includes purchasing or upgrading camera equipment and marketing services locally. Building a portfolio is crucial for attracting clients.

8. Homemade Food Delivery:

Investment: Varies

Cooking enthusiasts can turn their passion into a business by offering homemade food delivery services. The investment depends on kitchen equipment, packaging materials, and marketing efforts. Social media platforms can be utilized for promotion.

9. Online Tutoring:

Investment: Minimal

Online tutoring platforms allow individuals to teach various subjects or skills to students worldwide. The investment involves setting up a profile on tutoring websites and marketing services to attract students.

10. Digital Marketing Consultancy:

Investment: 8,000 - 10,000 INR

Entrepreneurs with expertise in digital marketing can start a consultancy. The investment covers website development, marketing, and creating business cards. Offering services like SEO, social media marketing, and content creation can attract clients.


Embarking on a business venture doesn't always require a large capital outlay. The mentioned low investment business ideas provide a diverse range of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs in India. Success in these ventures relies on dedication, effective marketing, and delivering quality services. With creativity and resourcefulness, individuals can turn these low-cost business ideas into profitable ventures, proving that a limited budget is not a barrier to entrepreneurial success in India.